4 Things To Know About Historical Restoration

Posted on: 28 August 2023

Restoring a historical home or building isn't like any other type of renovation. Your city may have rules and codes that need to be followed for historical restorations so they preserve the original materials as much as possible. For instance, you may not be allowed to put vinyl windows on an old historic home.

You want help from a historical restoration contractor who understands local codes that pertain to historical buildings and who has experience with historical restoration. Here are things about restoring your old home you should know.

1. Replacement Materials Should Match The Original Style

Your contractor may try to repair old materials when possible, but if they've deteriorated or are water-damaged, materials may need to be replaced. When replacement is necessary, the contractor must choose new materials of the same style and design as the old materials so that when the new materials are in place, they look original.

This could limit your choices when it comes to new windows and new roofing. You probably won't be allowed to use modern materials, but need to choose windows, roofing, and other materials that existed when your house was built and that were used on your home originally.

2. Upgrades May Still Be Possible

While the original look of your home may need to stay the same, you'll probably be allowed to make some modern upgrades when it comes to things like your electrical system and plumbing. You'll probably want air conditioning and central heat for your home as well as a modern electrical system with an electrical panel. The historical restoration contractor needs to make these upgrades without disturbing the original walls and other parts of your home as much as possible.

3. Planning Is An Essential Element

Planning is important when it comes to historical restoration. A restoration plan must be submitted to your city and evaluated. This is similar to the process of renovating any other home except the evaluation and inspections are more complex since they're done with historical preservation as the goal.

Planning may also require research into the history of the building and obtaining old photos. Your contractor may work with your local historical society to learn more about your house. The goal of historical restoration is to preserve as much local history as possible when the home is restored to its original external appearance while being made more modern inside for enhanced comfort of living.

4. Work May Take Longer Than Usual

It may take longer to source supplies for your restoration project. Plus, work may be more complicated and require longer to complete. Your historical restoration contractor will probably give you an estimated date of completion, but you may run into more snags with a historical restoration than you would a typical home renovation.

Contact a historical restoration contractor today to learn more.
