Why Does Your Construction Site Need A Dedicated Stormwater Compliance Manager?
Posted on: 18 April 2022
It's no secret that sizeable commercial construction projects require input from numerous contractors and experts. In addition to builders, plumbers, electricians, and other specialized personnel, it's also necessary to contract with individuals who can handle your construction project's legal aspects. These experts are necessary to help to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal guidelines. While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind during a construction project, stormwater management is a critical part of minimizing your environmental impact and meeting federal regulations. If you're considering handling your stormwater pollution prevention plan on your own, here are three reasons you should consider bringing in a dedicated expert instead.
1. There's No One-Size-Fits-All Solution
Every construction site is unique, which means that every stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) is also unique. The pollution risks at your site will vary based on your available machinery, your materials, the local geography, and more. An SWPPP that works for one company on one site will almost certainly not apply to another construction project at a different site. A dedicated stormwater compliance manager will know how to evaluate your site and your specific construction plans to identify potential risks and options for mitigation. This expertise can help you quickly develop an SWPPP as part of your general construction permit, ensuring that you don't face any unexpected regulatory issues as you begin construction.
2. The Easiest Approach Isn't Always the Most Cost-Effective
Part of developing an SWPPP involves selecting best management practices (BMPs) for various aspects of your construction project, including soil erosion and site clean-up. Taking the most straightforward approach to these problems may lead to unexpected costs or inefficient operations, unnecessarily slowing your construction operations down. Stormwater compliance managers can help you select BMPs that effectively provide the necessary control on your site while staying within your budget. Using an expert well-versed in these practices can mean saving more money over the long run than attempting to guess at the best options for stormwater and erosion control.
3. Fines and Permits Issues Can Be Expensive
In a worst-case scenario, an inadequate SWPPP can result in fines for illegal stormwater discharges and other compliance issues. Even if you take a best-intentions approach to developing your SWPPP, it's easy to miss potential compliance problems and risk creating environmental hazards that may only appear during a later inspection. A dedicated compliance manager will help you develop a plan that covers all of these risk factors, ensuring that you obtain the proper permits for discharge and remain in compliance with EPA regulations.
For more information, contact a construction stormwater compliance contractor in your area.